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leather jacket

Iron House Leather Biker Jacket

I was lucky enough to find this little piece nearly a year ago and yet I've only ever came round to wearing it once. You'd think after years of searching for the perfect vintage leather biker jacket, you would never want to take it off? Yet here I am, only ever taking it off the back of desk chair (that's where it has proudly hanged for the past year) once. As we bring in a new year, we begin to reflect on the year that has passed and what we can change to make the year ahead far better. Upon much, much reflection, it all comes down to some self-improvement that is needed to make 2014 even more successful than 2013 for myself. I spent New Years Eve with a few friends. We asked each other what our 2014 resolutions are, which one responded; "to get sh*t done". I couldn't agree more..

Oh and to do it while wearing my leather jacket.

Happy New Year everyone!
Let me know what your resolutions are.

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